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March 4, 2010

TELETON – “PLAYA HELPS CHILE” - Playa del Carmen

On Saturday March 6th, a fund-raising event organized by TELETON Foundation will be hosted in Santiago de Chile and Playa del Carmen wants to support the cause and cooperate to raise much needed funds for the victims of the earthquake that affected the south American country of Chile last Saturday night. More than 55,000 people lost their homes in the south of Chile, after the earthquake and the tsunami that followed.

Basic things like water, medicines, food and provisional housing are urgently required, so we need to do all we can to help!“ Teleton- Playa Ayuda a Chile” in Playa del Carmen will be held on Saturday the 6th of March from 1:00pm to 5:00 pm in the beach club at Zenzi's. There will be a fabulous ‘all you can eat’ BBQ including a beer or a soft drink for $200 pesos per adult, $100 pesos for children aged 12 and under. Bracelets will be sold at the entrance of Zenzi on the day. Live Music and DJ’s entertainment all afternoon!

At the end of the event we will also have a raffle with wonderful prizes such as hotel stays, catamaran and snorkel trips, etc… Do not miss this event!

Proceeds from the event will be sent to Teleton Chile. http://www.chileayudaachile.cl/

For more information and if you would like to cooperate with the event please contact: Natalia Schweitzer, E-mail: nat_schweitzer@hotmail.com or by phone at Cel: 044-984-114-9942

If you would like to get updated information, provide or ask about any missing person or would like to donate through Unicef or Direct Relief International click here.

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